
BI4Data besides being a product to buy and use on a PC / Server, can also be used as SaaS (Software as a Service) entrusting outsource the management of call accounting.


The service BI4Data may be used by customers over the Internet without the need to buy and install on your PC / Server.
To the customer PBX or PBXes network is connected a IP buffering device can store data of the telephone traffic of each seat. The data collected are transferred to the appropriate servers using encrypted protocol according to the standard SSH (Secure SHell).
The data is processed and tariffed according to tables price agreed by the Customer one or more telephone operators.
BI4Data has an HTML implemented in Java Script with the adoption of AJAX and optimized to run in the Internet environment. With regard to server-side part is based on Java. BI4Data is an application that operates in SaaS (Software as a Service) ways throught an Internet connection, on dedicated servers.
Depending on the type of contract you will have access to feature increasingly complete:
  • Standard mode: receiving data via email or FTP retail traffic every telephone switchboard and data summary on the telephone traffic of every internal phone (attack user) of the switchboards.
  • Evolved mode: In addition to the features described in the preceding paragraph the customer will be able to connect to the website BI4Data consultation and access to their data through an account first. It will have the possibility to configure BI4Data within its organizational structure, defining the cost centres or the names of users also can run their reports by applying filters and criteria for ordering custom.
  • Evolved mode + optional feature: In addition to the features described in the preceding paragraph the customer will have the possibility to enable one or more optional extensions that will enable the system to further report on Traffica Analysis and Data Mining.

Operating SaaS mode means:
  • Access, with a short time activation, services and management applications through a simple PC (Windows, Linux or Macitosh) connected to the Internet and a browser;
  • Delegate skills and technological applications to the supplier;
  • Reduce the time of updating (and then in use) technologies and application solutions.
  • The use of technological assistance and application highly qualified.

The documentation service charges SaaS BI@Work is for anyone
  • Would you like to use powerful and versatile tools for management control telephone costs
  • Would you like a solution-end enterprise, certain costs and content, well-supported and technological environment suitable and safe
  • Do not want to manage internally investments in technology, licensing of use, maintenance hardware and software and technical personnel with specific skills
  • It has no need for customization Applications.

The Service provides:
  • The start-up phase to activate service with the definition of user profiles enabled;
  • The maintenance and updating of software applications;
  • The management of infrastructure;
  • The service-Help Desk that responds quickly and effectively to requests and comments of customers.

What are the advantages?
  • Access from any computer connected to the Internet
  • In the case of access by default mode are received each month a set of predefined report, but you can not run custom statistics on the system, while the advanced mode you can access their corporate data from any computer connected to the Internet, after authentication (SSL Secure Socket Layer) to 128 bits.
  • The customer in the latter case may create other accounts to allow access to its data to more users in a controlled manner and customizing choosing what to see.
  • Time savings: The user uses the programs without any working effettuarvi update, rescue copies. On our servers is made for the installation of automatic security updates the operating system and applications related service provided.
  • Economic Savings: The list is based on the number of attacks you (internal telephones) and any simultaneous access you want to have the system BI4Data therefore is proportional to the size and complexity of the network voice of Client second bands diversified. In addition, the list is clear, known and, above all, being all-inclusive in price, no surprises later for additional costs not considered.

Try BI4Data and discover the difference here